Products / AIMS

Automated information and management systems


Capabilities of the “Multispectrum – Information and management center” system have many embodiments, because of the huge potential that lies in the latest implemented technology.

Here are just some of the features implemented by our organization in the National Teams Sports Training Center at the Ministry of Sports of Russia:

  • Video conferencing with subordinate organizations;
  • Conducting remote medical consultations;
  • Collection, storage and statistical processing of surveys conducted on the “Multispectrum” equipment for information support in evaluating the functional state of athletes;
  • Implementation of the athlete electronic passport project.


* Support for other manufacturers equipment can be carried out at technical availability on the usual clinical equipment, which is discussed individually with each client.

Advantages over analogues

  • ability to connect to the National Teams Sports Training Center, if you belong to the structure of professional sport;
  • ability to get both professional sports and medical consultations;
  • individual approach during the selection of equipment;
  • quality equipment with a warranty from leading manufacturers;
  • system for information protection.