Products / Sport and recovery trainers

Sport and recovery trainers


“Multispectrum-David” – the intellectual training complex, designed for personalized training of athletes to develop strength and speed under the control of the main vital functions of the organism, which allows diagnosing the state of the musculoskeletal system, as well as its measuring and monitoring during training.


“Multispectrum DAVID EVE Professional” system, created jointly with DAVID SPORTS Ltd. (Helsinki, Finland) – the world leader in developing innovative systems in diagnosis and training of athletes.

A key feature that is an innovation and competitive advantage – conducting tests to determine the actual state of the musculoskeletal and the muscular systems.

EVE Professional system uses of innovative integrated DAVID Future Line trainers. The line consist of twenty eight devices (more information you can find out by contacting our experts).

The system records every workout session and helps physicians identify incorrect training actions of their patients.

The training program is created for each individual patient. The basis of this program is the model created on the basis of testing: isometric and amplitude.

This saves considerable time. Creating individual program takes only a few minutes for each athlete.

Advantages over analogues

  • remote control of the training process;
  • ability for accurate, complete and rapid diagnosis of an athlete on the same trainer, that is used for exercise;
  • accurate calculation of the training process, that allows to develop qualities such as strength, speed and endurance;
  • dynamic control of these parameters during all stages of the training process;
  • creations of the “Spine biomechanical functional analysis" tables. Tracked criteria: mobility, isometric maximum strength, muscular strength, overall stability coefficient.
  • use of technology ensures the principle of continuity of the training process independently from the location of the athlete through a use of common server;
  • use of a fundamentally new IT platform “DAVID EVE Multispectrum” enables trainers and other professionals, wherever they are, to have access to training and evaluation information of athletes and to implementation of permanent physical and functional remote control.